Undergraduate academic studies

All study programs of undergraduate academic studies, i.e. the first cycle of studies at Sinergija University, are licensed by the Ministry of Education and Culture, comply with the principles of the Bologna Declaration and enable the application of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

Curricula are defined according to the reputation of well-known European faculties and universities, where all previous experiences in our country were used. The study programs correspond to the needs of the business environment, and students in the third and fourth year of studies perform internships in some of the companies, banks, courts and other organizations with which the University cooperates.

Teaching is done in small groups, according to the principle of the mentoring system, with a special emphasis on case studies and connecting theoretical teaching with practice. This concept of study programs provides students with various knowledge and skills of modern business and opens up greater opportunities for employment.

Catch up with the times and choose the right future!

You can get more information about study programs and courses on the undergraduate academic studies enrollment website. Through this site, you can also pre-register for the study program.

For direct application and enrollment at Sinergija University, click here.